例句:所述储料箱 连接颗粒循环管道处设置有出料控制阀。
类似于上面的关于位置的描述,即 “储料箱连接颗粒循环管道处” 该如何理解,如何翻译呢?
1. A discharging control valve is arranged at the position of the material storage box connected with the particle circulating line.
2. A discharging control valve is arranged on the material storage box connectted with the particle circulating line.
3. A discharging control valve is arranged at the position, which is connected with the particle circulating line, on the material storage box.
上面的翻译哪种理解正确?或有更好、更正确的理解跟表达,烦请各位有兴趣的、明白的童鞋,指教一下啦!谢谢! |