increase to n times(1)和increase n times/n-fold(2)的意思是“增加到”多少倍
对于“…increase by n times…” 的句型,对这一英语倍数句型,国内学者有两种理解:
第一种:理解为:“ 比……增加了n倍 ”。
例. 与1949年相比,大学生人数增加了63%,中学生增加了1.5倍,小学生增加了1.1倍.
译文: Compared with 1949, the number of university students increased by 63 percent,that of secondary school students by 1.5 times , and that of primary school pupils by 1.1 times. [《现代汉英词典》外语教学与研究出版社.1988:1198 ]
句中 “by 1.5 times” 和 “by 1.1 times” 分别被理解为“增加了1.5倍”和“增加了1.1倍”,作者把“…increase + by + n times…”理解为:“比……增加了n倍”。
例. increase by 5 times
译文: 增加5倍 [徐广联.《大学英语语法 讲座与测试》修订本 华东理工大学出版社.1998:47 ]
第二种:理解为:“比……增加了(n-1)倍”。 (或:“……增加到n倍 ”。)
例. The currency is circulation in 1983 rose by 1.5 times compared with 1979.
译文: (1) 1983年在市场上的货币流通量比1979年增加百分之五十。
(2)1983年在市场上的货币流通量是1979年的一倍半。[李正中.《经贸英汉翻译基础》北京:学苑出版社,1990:118 ]
句中“rose by 1.5 times” 被译为“增加百分之五十”或“是……一倍半 ”。作者把“…increase + by n times…”理解为:“增加了(n-1)倍”或”增加到n倍(即:是……n倍)”.
[1] 据LONGMAN Modern English Dictionary:
1. adj. dual
2. adv. to two times as much or as many/by two times ;
1.adj. tripe
2. adv. to three times as much or as many/by three times
[2] 据Webster’s Third New International Dictionary:
1. adj. …being twice as large, as great, or as many as some understood size, degree, or amount (a twofold crease)…;
2. adv. to twice as much or as many; by two times (increased twofold)…;
1.adj. …being three times as large, as great ,or as many as some understood size, degree, or amount (a threefold increase)…;
2. adv. to three times as much or as many ; by three times (increased threefold)…
Longman和 Webster英文辞典的释义表明: “ n-fold” 与 “by n times”及 “to n times” 同义,即都表示“增加了n-1 倍”或“是原来的n倍”。
[3] 孙复初教授在“《英汉大词典》关于倍数的两处错误”一文中指出:“Longman, Oxford, Webster原文词典的释义说明 twofold 和double, doubly, to two times, by two times以及 threefold 和 to three times, by three times是同义的。据收集的英美原著的许多例句也说明a twofold increase, increase twofold, increase by two times都表示‘增加到两倍’或‘增加一倍’(而不是增加两倍);increase by threefold和 increase by three times 都表示‘增加到三倍’或‘增加两倍’(而不是增加三倍)。”
[4] 章振邦教授指出:“英语和汉语的倍数表示法在概念上有相似之处,但也有不同之点,使用时须加注意。
(1) The output of cotton in 1979 was five times as much as that of 1973.
(2) The output of cotton in1979 was five times that of 1973.
(3) The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973.
(4) The output of cotton in 1979 was five times what it had been in 1973.
(5) The output of cotton increased fivefold in the years1973-1979.
(6) The output of cotton was 400% greater than in 1973.
(7) There was a 400% increase in the output of cotton between1973 and 1979.
由上述几种倍数表示法可以看出,用百分比表示净增数,而用times或-fold 则不论在何种句型中都表示包括基数100%在内,就是说,表示增加四倍,要用five times或five-fold等.”
章振邦教授对上述第三句“The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973”加了这样的脚注:在本句中英语习惯用five times greater…而不用four times greater…,译为“比1973年(净)增加四倍”。 [章振邦《新编英语语法》上册1981:195-196 ]
[5] 著名语法专家薄冰教授指出 :“如表示‘增加’用 times与 -fold,则须注意英语多说一倍,如说‘增加了三倍’,则须用four times或 fourfold。” 并举例如下:
(1)Output of coal increased four times. (或fourfold) 煤产量增加了三倍。
(2)Output of coal was four times as great as that of last year. 煤产量比去年增加了三倍。[《薄冰英语语法》北京:开明出版社 1998:159 ]
[6] 在《实用科技英语语法讲义》(国防工业出版社,1986)第71页中,裴培先生举例如下:
“When the voltage is stepped-up by 10 times ,the strength of the current must be stepped-down by 10 times .(当电压升高到10倍时,电流强度必定下降到1/10)”
《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本)[上海外语教育出版社 1999:144] 的语法结构表中,在数词部分关于Multiple一节,有“verb + (by) n times ”的句式。读者应注意到其中的“by”是带有括号的,这表明“verb +by +n times” 与“verb +n times”的含义完全相同。
依据上述权威英文辞典的解释和专家、学者的论述,可以得出如下结论:“increase by n times” 与“increase to n times”及 “increase n times” 所表示的含义完全相同。在“n times’’之前不论有无 “by’’或 “to” 均包含基数100%在内。应理解为“……增加了(n-1)倍”或“增加到n倍”。
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