美国专利申请的IDS文件递交后,通常都会有EFS Acknowledgement Receipt, Transmittal Letter, Miscellaneous Incoming Letter 和 Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) filed.
请问这几个文件分别代表什么意思?EFS Acknowlegement Receipt里面的Fie Listing 和 Information Dislosure Statement (IDS) filed 要一一对应吗?有什么不同?如果递交的IDS文件包括非英文专利的英文摘要,要在这两份文件中分别体现吗?如果递交的IDS文件中的美国专利,在这两份文件中也要都体现吗?
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5 个回复

中美专利  注册会员 | 2009-5-27 18:46:21


I think the questions are related to the formal issue of electronic filing rather than the substantial issue of how to file an IDS.

First, whenever one files a document electronically to the USPTO, one receives an EFS Acknowledgement Receipt.

Transmittal Letter is similar to a cover letter; when you file a new application, a response, an IDS, etc., you can name your cover letter as a transmittal letter.  Often you don\'t need a transmittal letter at all.

Miscellaneous Incoming Letter is chosen when you file a document that can not be classified by other names.  For example, a letter to inquiry status of a pending application can be labeled as \"miscellaneous incoming letter.”

Normally, EFS Acknowledgement Receipt里面的Fie Listing 和 Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) filed 不一定在名称上一一对应.  This is because the filed document, such as a prior art, can only be named with one word.

The key is to follow the MPEP requirements, file an IDS listing all necessary prior art under US practice.
yeahgo  注册会员 | 2009-5-28 01:07:12


EFS Acknowledgement Receipt是电子受理回执
Transmittal Letter,就是发出的信件通知之类
Miscellaneous Incoming Letter是收到各种的信件
Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) filed.意思是IDS递交信息

IDS 提交非英文文献,要翻译成英文
heidi  注册会员 | 2009-5-28 02:23:09


谢谢大家的回答。是不是EFS Acknowledgement Receipt里面的Fie Listing主要是递交的文档的名称,而Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) filed指的是递交的每一个具体的专利号和非专利文献的名称?两个之间的关系是不是就是文档名称和文档中对应的具体内容项的关系?因为我看到在Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) filed里面有非英文专利的摘要,而Fie Listing却看不出来。
中美专利  注册会员 | 2009-5-28 05:43:14


heidi  注册会员 | 2009-6-24 01:47:13


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