[翻译] 请教一句话的翻译(化学领域)

2008-3-21 18:58
In another aspect, the device of the invention is used to produce a sample enriched in a first cell or component thereof relative to a second component by introducing a sample including the first cell or component into the channel and allowing the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other to be altered based on a magnetic property, thereby producing the sample enriched in the first cell or component.

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nigerose  高级会员 | 2008-3-25 00:20:17


In another aspect, the device of the invention is used to produce a sample enriched in a first cell or component thereof relative to a second component by introducing a sample including the first cell or component into the channel and allowing
the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other to be altered based on a magnetic property, thereby producing the sample enriched in the first cell or component.


“the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other ”  应该为
“the passage of the first cell or component  relative to the second component or the other”
dormancy  专利代理人 | 2008-3-30 06:11:11


nigerose wrote:
In another aspect, the device of the invention is used to produce a sample enriched in a first cell or component thereof relative to a second component by introducing a sample including the first cell or component into the channel and allowing
the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other to be altered based on a magnetic property, thereby producing the sample enriched in the first cell or component.


“the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other ”  应该为
“the passage of the first cell or component  relative to the second component or the other”
因此,the other 我的感觉是指另一方/对方,而不是指其他的成分。

nigerose  高级会员 | 2008-3-31 17:42:41


dormancy对the other的理解正确,是我看错了。
zzlovethis  注册会员 | 2008-4-18 16:47:38


In another aspect, the device of the invention is used to produce a sample enriched in a first cell or component thereof relative to a second component by introducing a sample including the first cell or component into the channel and allowing the passage of the first cell or component or the second component relative to the other to be altered based on a magnetic property, thereby producing the sample enriched in the first cell or component.

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