[资讯/新闻] 美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

2007-9-8 20:46
  新浪科技讯 北京时间9月8日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国众议院本周五以220票赞成、175票反对的投票结果通过了《专利改革法案》,这是美国科技和金融服务公司的一次重要胜利。
  以苹果和微软为首的专利公平联盟和商业软件联盟对于投票结果表示欢迎,它们认为创新者和消费者都将从这一结果中获益。这项议案由加州民主党众议员霍华德·伯曼(Howard Berman)和德州共和党众议员拉马尔·史密斯(Lamar Smith)联合提交,旨在提高专利质量,减少专利诉讼。对于任何规模的公司来说,专利诉讼都是一种耗时耗力的体验。


  《专利改革法案》的反对者主要包括制药和生物科技公司,例如强生和Amgen。这些公司表示,由于新法案降低了专利侵权赔偿金额,并允许对获得批准的专利进行重新评估,专利保护受到了削弱。此外,一些较为依赖专利授权费用的公司,例如通用电气和Caterpillar等制造业公司,以及高通等芯片厂商,同样反对《专利改革法案》。  以高通为首的创新联盟在众议院投票前表示,如果《专利改革法案》获得通过,将会彻底改变美国专利系统,减轻少数最富有公司的诉讼负担。早在今年7月,美国众议院司法委员会就批准了这项议案,并提交全体参议员投票。(马丁)
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zls0  认证会员 | 2007-9-9 01:53:02

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

Patent Reform Act将专利授予第一个提交申请的创新者。按照以前的专利法案,专利应当授予第一个开发出创新的人。



mingmingok  专利工程师/助理 | 2007-9-9 05:09:51

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

laoniulyb  中级会员 | 2007-9-9 23:49:03

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

linxiang  注册会员 | 2007-9-10 17:26:28

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大



newland  注册会员 | 2007-9-11 00:15:43

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

Senate Judiciary Panel Passes Bipartisan Patent Reform Bill

In 13-5 Vote, Judiciary Committee Overwhelmingly Supports Long-Overdue Overhaul Of U.S. Patent System

WASHINGTON (Thursday, July 19) – The Senate Judiciary Committee late Thursday voted 13-5 to report out a bipartisan bill that represents the first significant reforms to the nation’s patent system in several decades.

“The Judiciary Committee today took an important step to ensuring the continuing competitiveness of our innovation economy,” said Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).  “With the thoughtfulness and care that characterizes the Committee at its best, we have reaffirmed our commitment to ensuring that our Nation’s patent laws promote and protect the inventiveness of all of our industries.”  Leahy cosponsored the bill with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), a senior member of the panel.

The Committee has been marking up the comprehensive patent bill for the past several weeks.  With the Committee’s vote Thursday evening, the bill moves to the full Senate for consideration.  Earlier this week, the House Judiciary Committee reported out a similar bipartisan reform bill.  

Among many important reforms, the bill would create a pure “first-to-file” system to bring needed clarity and certainty to the U.S. patent system.  The American system is the only one in the world that still grants patents to the first inventor rather than the first to file an application.  The bill also creates a more streamlined and effective way of challenging the validity and enforceability of patents, Leahy said.

Earlier this year, Leahy and Hatch joined with Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee\'s Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, to introduce the bicameral, bipartisan Patent Reform Act of 2007.

7月,参议院司法委员会已经以13-5,通过了这个“the bicameral, bipartisan Patent Reform Act of 2007” 两院、两党的改革法案。
zls0  认证会员 | 2007-9-11 23:25:07

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

IP World News, September 2007
US patent reform to be voted on by house
United States
Thursday 6th September
The proposed Patent Reform Act may be voted upon by the US House of Representatives as early as 7 September. The Act has already caused controversy. A number of consumer groups, technology companies and the financial services industry are backing it and various drug companies, unions and Republican leaders are opposing it.

The bill will increase the amount of information available to patent examiners, patents will be re-evaluated after they have been granted and patent awards will be determined on apportionment of damages. Supporters believe re-evaluation will allow companies to challenge minor innovations or overly broad patents without having to resort to a lawsuit. Opponents, such as Johnson & Johnson, however, fear that by reducing infringement penalties and introducing re-evaluation, the bill will weaken patent protection.
resun  专利工程师/助理 | 2007-9-11 23:27:22

Re:美国批准专利改革法案 科技公司受益最大

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