看到landis §  3:2 Preambles for Apparatus Claims中有下面两段的描述,在前序部分可能会使用“In combination”,然而本人对于第二段中的\"In combination\" 的分析不太理解,字面翻译感觉是“前序中“In combination”的另一个用途在于当前面一个claim的子组合与附属项中其余的组合有关联,依赖于在前的子组合....”,烦请高人赐教,感谢啊!

Occasionally, one sees a claim such as \"In combination, [an A, a B, and a C].\" One use for this type of preamble is for inventions so broad that any attempt to name the thing to be claimed would be too narrow. Of course, if Claim 1 on the shaker started out only \"In combination,\" that would be uselessly misleading since the claim itself was intended to be limited to an apparatus for shaking articles. Therefore, there is no reason to avoid using a normal preamble.

Another use for the preamble \"In combination\" is when a previously claimed subcombination is joined with the remainder of a combination in a dependent claim, dependent upon a preceding subcombination claim: \"In combination, the means for oscillating a container of Claim 2, and a container, the container is connected with the oscillating means for...\"
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USIP  注册会员 | 2011-8-9 12:16:49

Re:请教US专利landis中关于claim前序“In combination”的理解

Another use for the preamble \"In combination\" is when a previously claimed subcombination is joined with the remainder of a combination in a dependent claim, dependent upon a preceding subcombination claim: \"In combination, the means for oscillating a container of Claim 2, and a container, the container is connected with the oscillating means for...\"




2.(独权)means for oscillating a container

3. In combination, the means for oscillating a container of Claim 2, and a container, the container is connected with the oscillating means for...

首先说明一下,因为权3要求保护的是一个新的客体,即便其引用权2,根据中国专利法,权三仍然是独立要求要求。但根据美国专利法,权3是权2的从属权利要求。这就是landis为什么会写“dependent upon a preceding subcombination claim”的原因。

关于这个例子, In combination, the means for oscillating a container of Claim 2, and a container, the container is connected with the oscillating means for..,因为没有一个合适的术语可以用于描述means for oscillating 以及 container,所以landis认为,我们可以写成in combination.

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