[翻译] You’re a patent lawyer

2009-6-12 01:09
\"You’re a patent agent, you don’t know enough law to hurt anybody.\"
You\'re a lawyer, you don\'t know enough to protect anybody.
Even you \'re a patent lawyer, you don\'t know enough to defend  science and justice in a state rulled by men.

a joke as below:

Three lawyer’s are riding to court together one day and, unfortunately, are killed in a horrible traffic accident.

When they reach the pearly gates, St. Peter welcomes them in turn, and says to the first “welcome to heaven. Can you tell me what you did while you were on earth?”, to which he replied “I was a divorce lawyer, and tried to help couples who had difficulties in their relationship”. Well, St. Peter thought about this and said “I see, you were taking advantage of people who were willing to pay anything to get back at their partner”, and he swiftly pulled the lever dropping the hapless lawyer into everlasting hell.

Along comes the second lawyer, and of course St. Peter asks the same thing, the reply being “I was a personal injury attorney, trying to assist those who had been unfairly injured”. St. Peter just said “Ah yes, that’s what we call an ambulance chaser up here”, and sent him to the same fiery fate as the first attorney.

Alas, finally the third attorney approaches and tells St. Peter he was a patent attorney. St. Peter says “come on in!” and shows him to heaven’s finest suite, just to the right of God, the most lovely angels in attendance, you get the picture. After a few minutes of this, the patent lawyer finally asks “but St. Peter, you’ve sent my friends to a fiery eternity, but you welcome me?” “Ah” says St. Peter, “but you’re a patent attorney, you don’t know enough law to hurt anybody!”
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jixi  新手上路 | 2009-6-28 20:05:24

Re:You’re a patent lawyer

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