
Essential patent Claims : means claims of granted patents which a Member or Participant or any its Group which is not itself an independent Member or Participant owns or has the right to commercially exploit and license (but not solely the right to sub-license)without incurring aroyalty or other financial obligation and without which it would not  be possible on technical (but not commercial)grounds talking accout of technical practice and the state of the art generally available ,to make ,sell, lease,otherwise dispose of ,repair, use or  operate equipment or methods or provide service,which comply with the relevant Standard as adopted,but shall not include such claims that(1)are not so essential event if contained in the same patent,(2) are necessarily infringed only by implementing any non-mandatory, reference or informational portion(s) of the Standard,or (3)cover any enabling technologies that may be necessary to make or use any product/serbice but are not themslves expressly set forth in the standards;
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