[检索/软件] 谁能帮忙告诉一下SanDisk公司的五项闪存盘专利

2007-11-10 06:31
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whiteice  中级会员 | 2007-11-10 06:43:32


刘立国律师  注册会员 | 2007-11-10 06:56:55


老本  认证会员 | 2007-11-10 17:32:49


The patents SanDisk is asserting are as follows:

In the first Wisconsin district court case, we are asserting that the defendant\'s controllers, flash drives and memory card, infringe claims in one or more of the following patents:

· US Patent No. 6,149,316
· US Patent No. 6,757,842

In the ITC (and the second related Wisconsin case) we are asserting that the defendants\' controllers, flash drives, memory cards and media players infringe claims in one or more of the following patents:

· US Patent No. 6,426,893
· US Patent No. 6,763,424
· US Patent No. 5,719,808
· US Patent No. 6,947,332
· US Patent No. 7,137,011

So the main case has two claims...

US Patent No. 6,149,316 and 6,757,842 deals with the Flash EEprom system -
A system of Flash EEprom memory chips with controlling circuits serves as non-volatile memory such as that provided by magnetic disk drives. Improvements include selective multiple sector erase, in which any combinations of Flash sectors may be erased together. Selective sectors among the selected combination may also be de-selected during the erase operation. Another improvement is the ability to remap and replace defective cells with substitute cells. The remapping is performed automatically as soon as a defective cell is detected. When the number of defects in a Flash sector becomes large, the whole sector is remapped. Yet another improvement is the use of a write cache to reduce the number of writes to the Flash EEprom memory, thereby minimizing the stress to the device from undergoing too many write/erase cycling.
刘立国律师  注册会员 | 2007-11-11 16:49:31


numberone1983  注册会员 | 2007-11-12 05:46:56


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