[复审/无效/诉讼] XONIX SUES PASNEW AND MARBLE精准专利诉百圣牛及东莞万华

2007-10-24 00:40
English news
    Xonix(Zhuhai Xonix Electronic Co.,Ltd.), which locates in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, P.R.CHINA and has affiliates in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and US, recently sued another Chinese watch factories,  Guangzhou Pasnew Watches Co., Ltd.(\"asnew\") in the Guangzhou Intermediate People\'s Court of Guangdong Province, China (CASE NOS 275~278) and Marble Watch Mfg. Ltd.,  (\"Marble\", doing business as Man Power International) in the Shenzhen Intermediate People\'s Court (Case No. 482) .      

    Xonix is a famous manufacturer of sport watch, IT watch(i.e. flash memory watch, mp3 player watch, electronic payment watch, etc.), MP3 sunglass, camera sunglass and so on, which have been wellknown by the relevant industry. Xonix has registered series of patents worldwide for its art-of-the-date design and technology, including Chinese design patents, utility patents and invention patents, Hong Kong registered designs, short-term patents, Taiwanese utility patents and design patents, US utility patents and design patents, utility patents in Korea, Germany, Japan, etc. To protect its profit in the world and support its overseas markets, Xonix also has filed amounts of international patent applications (PCT). Xonix is the NO. 1 designer and leader in the industry.      

    To enforce its patents, Xonix has launched series of legal actions against infringers in the markets. In 2001, it has made legal proceedings against Shenzhen Berny Watch company and got a settlement. In the period from 2003 to 2007, Xonix has been dedicated to actions against all kinds of infringement in China mainland, Hong Kong and U.S. Shenzhen Sayes, Shenzhen Obetter, Shenzhen E-flash, Shenzhen Sege Stock, Shenzhen Lang Wei, Shenzhen Hui Chuang Yi, Shenzhen Golden Window, Shenzhen San Tai, Guangzhou Pasnew, Dongguan Marble(Manpower,Powerdisk), Shenzhen Fu Yuen, Hong Kong Fu Yuen and so on have bring the market\'s attention as being defendants in turn sued by Xonix.   

    Some of those defendants have been declared bankruptcy for they can not pay for any of damages awarded by the Chinse courtroom in favor of Xonix\'s interest. Some settled with Xonix for some elements upon which both parties agreed, and they have to pay for Xonix, of course. Some are seeking license from Xonix and change to be Xonix\'s customer. Many money have been gained through compulsory legal proceedings by Xonix. Xonix has obtained a lot from its effective response to the infringement and copy cat. Patents profit Xonix after it put a large quantity of its turnover into application for intellectual property and patents, as Weighman Lee, Xonix\'s legal counsel says.      

    Very interesting for Xonix\'s company in Hong Kong has assigned its attorney Deacons send legal letter to Pasnew\'s company in the same region and Pasnew compensated for its activity. Xonix just going on and on, persueing and sueing those taking ride on its patents and designs.      

    Strongest theatrical drama is that Marble changes to be defendant this time after it has sued Xonix(HONG KONG) in Hong Kong High Court in 2003 but settled with Xonix with the result that Xonix didn\'t pay anything and Marble(HONG KONG) can\'t dispatch information saying Xonix infringe its short-term patents. In the meanwhile, Marble again sued Xonix in Guangzhou Intermediate People\'s Court but quit the case later as its Chinese patent has been declared invalid by the SIPO(China States Intellectual Property Office in Beijing) and Beijing Higher People\'s Court.      

    Totally, Marble failed to sue Xonix for a judgement where it prevail. But on the contrary, Xonis wins in the another aspect. Therefore, Xonix gains respects from its customers and let the market be aware that what can be a PATENT. \"Those without inventative step \"even-granted-patent\" can not be a patent.\" Weighman Lee, Attorney at law for Xonix concluded. Talking about the latest lawsuit of infringement of patent, Xonix can prove that how strong its patent (NO. 02293251.8) is and show later what will \"benefit\" Marble, who has been doing things to the edge of violating the patent laws, as Leo Chen, President of Xonix comments.        

    Come back to Pasnew in the title, the hearing has been taken in earlier October and the court will soon enter into a judgement against Pasnew. Pasnew will pay for its malicous infringement on Xonix\'s four enforcable patents in China. Xonix\'s IP lawyer, Esq. Weighman Lee are confident for the consequence of all the cases. About another guy, Marble, the court\'s hearing will be held on 23 November 2007. Just eyes on what will happen.  


    位于珠海经济特区的手表品牌XONIX(\"精准\"), 自2001年就在中国大陆和香港启动了针对国内外手表侵权工厂的专利维权行动, XONIX是历届广交会、深圳钟表展、香港钟表展等国内外大型钟表行业展览会的常客,每届几乎都演示了其执着、专业及有力的打假形象。经过6年有多的打假维权行动,大型展览会几乎少见了仿冒商标及侵犯其专利权的展览商了。


    日前,珠海精准继展开针对深圳宝安三泰电子厂的专利诉讼后,其以广州百圣牛实业有限公司(PASNEW百圣牛品牌)的专利诉讼系列案(广州市中级人民法院民三庭案号:275、276、277、278)亦已进行了证据交换程序,庭审将于2007年10月9日在广州市中级人民法院进行。两案均为了保护XONIX在手表设计方面的享有的多项中国外观设计专利权,据XONIX的法律顾问李伟文律师(WEIGHMAN LEE,ATTORNEY AT LAW)介绍,广州百圣牛已经正式应诉并委派了律师到庭交换证据,但百圣牛的代理律师未提供有关专利无效宣告的文件,也就是说,专利侵权诉讼中惯用的专利无效宣告请求在本案中未被采用,届时,10月9日的庭审将如时进行,被告百圣牛将处于被动处境,因其在程序上亦已输了一步。李伟文律师对本系列案的胜诉很有把握,但未透露其胜算的具体理由。据理解,这次广州百圣牛实业有限公司涉案产品,部分产品居然仿制了原告珠海精准电子有限公司(原专利申请人精中(珠海)表业有限公司)于2000年的一项外观设计专利。并且据XONIX法务部介绍,XONIX几乎在历届的表展中均发律师函或侵权警告函给本案被告百圣牛,但五、六年后被告仍在从事侵权行为,本来XONIX这几年诉讼重点针对IT手表/IT眼镜,但为了保护原创产品的声誉,及给代理商、销售商信心,不得不穷追猛打,对于老对手、老侵权厂商亦应该采取专利侵权诉讼的大棒。大棒一挥,所及之处,必会将侵权者掀倒,使其永远不得翻身。XONIX维权诉讼中,在深圳即有数家被告厂商宣告破产或彻底解散。XONIX打假形象已经完全地建立起来,也唯有如此,新产品的潜在侵权厂商才会惧怕侵权、不敢侵权,甚至要与专利权人合作,申请许可或为XONIX提供前线的侵权信息。


    本案进展: 10月9日已公开开庭进行审理, 据李伟文律师透露,百圣牛PASNEW委托了广州一间律师事务所出庭,百圣牛负责人张文岸先生未到庭. 庭上百圣牛的代理律师拿出几份香港出版的杂志, 欲以公知技术进行抗辩, 同时提出被告产品由第三方工厂生产. 但这些证据均一一被原告律师击破. 本案所有证据及事实以及法律技术均有利于原告XONIX. 庭审结束时, 主审法官亦询问当事人可否和解, 而被告PASNEW代理律师只有一般代理权, 故无法进行和解. 对于本案前景, 以一般法律分析, 一是被告PASNEW可能会逃跑, 即原公司解散或变换另外的公司名称, 二是等有利于原告判决出来后, 再进行法律程序上的抗辩即进行上诉, 以拖延时间.
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