[Agency] protect your intellectual property in China

2012-9-3 15:09

2nd-3rd floor , Gong Jiaobuilding , Lian Huazhi road,
Futian district ,Shen Zhen , <st1:country-region w:st="on">China
Postal Code : 518036
Email : zscq@sunlawyers.com
Web site : en.sunlawyers.com

Guangdong Sun Law Firm (hereafter referred to as SunLaw Firm) is a reputable partnership law firm based in Shenzhen,<st1:country-region w:st="on">China, with many branchoffices in main cities in <st1:country-region w:st="on">China.Sun Law Firm is one of few law firms within the wholenation being capable of combining services of legal professionalism andintellectual property as a qualified patent agency (patent agency code 44266) andtrademark agency (trademark company registration number 4403012194814). Over200 practicing lawyers and more than 300 apprentice lawyers and assistants joinSun Law firm which locates in 2nd-3rd floor , Gong Jiao building ,Lian Huazhi road ,Futian district ,Shen Zhen , China. We, as the biggestfirm by size in Shenzhen, own more than 4100 office space and 111independent offices.

Especially, intellectual property serviceis one of the strong and famous services in Sun Law Firm.

More than 50 practicing lawyers, patentagents, trademark agents, investigators and assistants are available for you. Theydedicate to providing comprehensive services in intellectual law and protectingclients’ legal rights.

We provide domestic and abroadintellectual property services as follows:
1.     trademark, patent copyright application
2.     well-known trademark application
3.     customs filing of intellectual property rights
4.     change, permission, assignment and pledge of intellectual propertyrights
5.     investigation and evidence collection of the infringement of intellectualproperty rights.
6.     administrative proceedings for intellectual property rights
7.     civil procedure, criminal proceedings and administrativelitigation for intellectual property rights
8.     perennial legal counsel service
9.     high-tech enterprises application
10. other issues related to intellectual property protection

please contact us by email: zscq@sunlawyers.com.

Thank you for your attention to our firm!

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