[实务] 欧盟商标规费调整最新消息

2009-3-28 23:31
从08年下半年就一直听到国外的同行提到欧盟规费在09年会进行大的调整,现在最新的消息是新的规费标准将会在今年五月初适用,新的规费为900EUR, 而不是之前的900EUR(750EUR电子申请)+850EUR。

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tintin  注册会员 | 2009-4-17 01:45:09





2009 fee reduction - summary
Fee code Current fee New fee * Transition regime
CTM application fee (paper) F-001 900 1050 Based on application date1
CTM application fee (e-filing) F-001 750 900 Based on application date1
CTM application fee—collective mark F-001 1300 1800 Based on application date1
CTM registration fee F-007 850 0 Based on date on which registration milestone reached2
CTM registration class fee F-007 150 0 Based on date on which registration milestone reached2
CTM registration fee—collective mark F-007 1700 0 Based on date on which registration milestone reached2
CTM registration class fee—collective mark F-007 300 0 Based on date on which registration milestone reached2
Additional fee for late payment of registration fee F-011 25% (max. 750) 0 Based on date on which registration milestone reached2
Madrid Protocol registration fee 1450 870 Based on filing date / designation date of EC3
Madrid Protocol registration class fee 300 150 Based on filing date / designation date of EC3
Madrid Protocol fee—collective mark 2700 1620 Based on filing date / designation date of EC3
Madrid Protocol class fee—collective mark 600 300 Based on filing date / designation date of EC3
* Effective on the day following publication in the Official Journal of the EU, most likely around the first week of May 2009.
**This table only covers fees that will change. For example, there is no change to the fee for each additional class (currently ?50 for
individual marks and ?00 for collective marks).
1. I.e. applications filed before effective date pay the old fees; those filed after effective date pay the new fees.
2. If the application has reached the milestone of being ready for registration before the effective date and OHIM has already sent the letter
L305 (inviting the applicant to pay the registration fee), then the applicant must pay the old registration fees (and the additional fee for
late payment, if applicable). If the application reaches the registration milestone after the effective date, the new registration fees (that is,
zero) apply.
3. Additional notes on Madrid protocol: The new Madrid fees become effective 3 months after the Commission notifies WIPO, i.e. 3
months after the effective date. During those 3 months, Madrid applicants will continue to pay the old fees. If protection is refused for
one of those applications, OHIM will refund a portion of the fees according to today’s rules. Once the new Madrid fees come into effect,
there will be no refunds in the event of refusal.
tanqige  新手上路 | 2009-5-3 06:28:29


seaben3  认证会员 | 2009-5-4 05:31:49


tanqige wrote:


hrtm  注册会员 | 2009-5-6 00:04:30


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