claim:     1. A method of manufacturing and applying a patch material for use in mending depression of potholes and cracks in roadways, driveways, walkways and the like, the method comprising:
•  (a) packaging granulated sticky, abrasive waste shingle material of a size on average ranging from powdered granules to less than one inch in a microwavable container;
•   (b) radiating the packaged granulated waste shingle material in the container with microwaves to a temperature of approximately 200° F. to soften and make the material more sticky;
•  (c) removing the warmed, softened, sticky material from the container and overfilling a depression;
•  (d) compacting the warmed, softened, sticky material into the depression; and
•  (e) permitting the compacted material to cool, set up and harden.
    2. The method of claim 1, wherein the packaging step further comprises placing the shingle material in a container described as being from a group consisting of a plastic bag, a paper bag and a rigid plastic container.
    3. A method of manufacturing and applying a paving material for roadways, driveways, walkways and the like surfaces from waste shingles without adding additional asphalt oil to the shingles, the method of:
•  (a) reducing sticky, abrasive waste shingles and portions thereof to shingle granules of a size on average of powdered granules to less than one-half inch;
•  (b) heating the shingle granules to a pliable consistency;
•  (c) evenly applying the heated pliable shingle granules to the surface to be paved;
•  (d) evenly applying compaction to the applied heated shingle granules; and
•  (e) permitting the compacted material to cool, set up and harden.
    4. The method of claim 3, wherein the step of heating comprises exposing the shingle granules to microwave energy.
    5. The method of claim 3, wherein the step of heating comprises tumbling the shingle granules in a rotating drum and exposing the tumbling shingle granules to heated forced air passing through the drum.
    6. The method of claim 3, wherein the step of heating first comprises mixing the shingle granules with an ignitable fuel and then tumbling and igniting the shingle granules with the fuel in a rotating drum.
    7. The method of claim 3 before heating, further comprising the step of adding and mixing an additional material from a group consisting of shredded and reduced tires, pulverized glass, sand, gravel and shredded and reduced plastic.
    8. A method of manufacturing and applying a paving material for roadways, driveways, walkways and the like surfaces from waste shingles without adding additional asphalt oil to the shingles, the method of:
•  (a) reducing sticky, abrasive waste shingles and portions thereof to shingle granules of a size on average of powdered granules to less than one inch;
•  (b) applying a rejuvenator oil to the shingle granules;
•  (c) tumbling the oiled shingle granules to rejuvenate the granules;
•  (d) evenly applying the rejuvenated shingle granules to the surface to be paved;
•  (e) evenly applying compaction to the applied shingle granules; and
•  (f) permitting the compacted material to cure, dry and harden.
    9. The method of claim 8, before applying a rejuvenator oil, further comprising the step of adding and mixing an additional material from a group consisting of shredded and reduced tires, pulverized glass, sand, gravel and shredded and reduced plastic.
    10. The method of claim 8, before tumbling, further comprising the step of adding and mixing an additional material from a group consisting of shredded and reduced tires, pulverized glass, sand, gravel and shredded and reduced plastic.
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6 个回复

mcdull  专利工程师/助理 | 2009-1-13 20:55:22


唐xh  注册会员 | 2009-1-13 21:28:54


seaben3  认证会员 | 2009-1-13 22:03:00


seinaphone  中级会员 | 2009-1-14 00:05:13


JH001  高级会员 | 2009-1-14 00:24:39


唐xh  注册会员 | 2009-1-14 00:58:25


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