一. 费用
如果是电领域发明,大致为: $7,017 到 $1,0517.
详见本人在 回复“在中国的专利优先权申请美国费用? “ 中的估算.
2. 一个美籍华人申请一个美国专利的费用到授权。(包括律师的代理费,官费)
应再增加美国律师或代理人撰写发明的费用[s:9]4000 到$6500.
二. 先在哪个国家申请?
如发明是在中国完成的, 申请中国专利,再用优先权到美国, 则从费用上计可节省美国律师或代理人撰写发明的费用. 毕竟中方撰写成本低于美方.
如发明是在美国完成的,则必须先申请美国专利,. 有关美国专利规定的出处如下:
37 CFR 5.11 License for filing in a foreign country an application on an invention made in the United States or for transmitting an international application.
(a) A license from the Commissioner for Patents under 35 U.S.C. 184 is required before filing any application for patent including any modifications, amendments, or supplements thereto or divisions thereof or for the registration of a utility model, industrial design, or model, in a foreign patent office or any foreign patent agency. |