美国的临时申请类似于我国的国内优先权,而楼主提的该问题是美国临时申请的一大优势:Allows for the filing of multiple provisional applications for patent and for consolidating them in a single §111(a) non-provisional application for patent;类似于我国的多项优先权。
非临时性申请如果引用多个临时申请,其申请日与临时性申请的申请日无关,非临时性申请的申请日只取决于专利与商标局收到申请文件的时间,其法律依据可参考:35 U.S.C.111 . (a)(4)The filing date of an application shall be the date on which the specification and any required drawing are received in the Patent and Trademark Office.
临时性申请的申请日只是用于评价非临时性专利申请的专利性,如果引用多个临时申请,那么各临时申请对应的发明主题的专利性以相应的临时申请日来评价,这与我国就多项权利要求的规定是一致的,其法律依据可参考:35 U.S.C.119(e)An application for patent filed under section 111(a)or section 363 of this title for an invention disclosed in the manner provided by the first paragraph of section 112 of this title in a provisional application filed under section 111(b)of this title, by an inventor or inventors named in the provisional application, shall have the same effect, as to such invention, as though filed on the date of the provisional application filed under section 111(b)of this title, if ……
因为没接触过具体业务,仅仅是个人对美国专利法的理解,供参考指正。 |