看有没有明显的错误!汤姆敢于探险、追求自由的性格特点。 汤姆是个聪明爱动的孩子,在他身上集中体现了智慧、计谋、正义、勇敢乃至领导等诸多才能。他是一个多重角色的集合,足智多谋,富于同情心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出桎梏,去当绿林好汉,过行侠仗义的生活。 小说塑造的汤姆·索亚是个有理想有抱负同时也有烦恼的形象,他有血有肉,栩栩如生,给读者留下了深刻的印象。在姨妈眼里,他是个顽童,调皮捣蛋,可是她却一次又一次地被他的\"足智多谋\"给软化了。 汤姆是主人公,关于他,梗概中有简单的概括——“淘气的机灵鬼”“镇上孩子的头儿”“在小伙伴眼中无所不能”。我们看看汤姆在山洞里回来后的表现:因为他身体虚弱,浑身没有一点力气,所以“躺在沙发上”。尽管如此,他讲得还是那样眉飞色舞,“同时还夸张地吹嘘一番”,可见他的淘气和历险后心里获得的极大满足——人们把他们回来看作奇迹,他也觉得自己成了真正的英雄!
Tom has the courage to adventure, for freedom character.Tom is a clever love children, in his possession embodies the wisdom and stratagems, justice, courage and leadership, and many other talents.
Tom Sawyer novel shaping a ideal ambitious also have trouble, his flesh, and of the image lifelike, give readers a deep impression. In the eyes of my aunt, he is a dissolute urchin, troublesome, but she was again by his \"resourceful\" to soften. Tom is the hero, about him, have simple generalization sketched - \"the naughty children JiLingGui\" town in the head \"friends\" eyes omnipotent. We see Tom in the back of the cave: because he is weak, no little strength, so \"lay on the sofa. Nonetheless, he speaks it very happy, \"also boasts a\" exaggeration, his mischievous and adventures in the great obtained after they come back as people feel miracle, he became a real hero!