Futhermore,the manual adjustment would only be good for the existing solution and would once again require futher adjustment of the timing sequence of audio and video output should any other configuration become available.Re:实在不知该如何翻译了,求教!
Futhermore,the manual adjustment would only be good for the existing solution and would once again require futher adjustment of the timing sequence of audio and video output should any other configuration become available.此外,手动调整可能只是对现有的解答有效,并且可能再次要求更进一步的调整音频和视频输出的时序,假如任意其它配置能得到。
spring1 wrote:Futhermore,the manual adjustment would only be good for the existing solution and would once again require futher adjustment of the timing sequence of audio and video output should any other configuration become available.
问个问题哈,那个solution可以翻译为解决方案不,还有should any other configuration become available这句适合前面断开的吗?
ms倒装,should提前 不了解具体技术情况,试译如下;Futhermore,the manual adjustment would only be good for the existing solution and would once again require futher adjustment of the timing sequence of audio and video output should any other configuration become available.