The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the
transistor Q5.
The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the transistor Q5.
The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the transistor Q5.
The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the
transistor Q5.
The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the transistor Q5.
(“the gate of ” 不知如何译,但应该就是输入端、控制端的意思)
The level adjustment circuit 100 lowers the clock signal input to the first clock terminal CK1 by a predetermined value from H level and provides the signal to the gate of the
transistor Q5.