1. (WO2000053768) METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE AGRONOMIC AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF PLANTSAbstract: mhtml:file://C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\The Golden Rice Project\WO2000053768 METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE AGRONOMIC AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF PLANTS.mht!http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/docservice_fpimage/WOEP2000001850@@@true(EN)The present invention provides means and methods of transforming plant cells, seeds, tissues or whole plants in order to yield transformants capable of expressing all enzymes of the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway that are essential for the targeted host plant to accumulate carotenes and/or xanthophylls of interest. The present invention also provides DNA molecules designed to be suitable for carrying out the method of the invention, and plasmids or vector systems comprising said molecules. Furthermore, the present invention provides transgenic plant cells, seeds, tissues and whole plants that display an improved nutritional quality and contain such DNA molecules and/or that have been generated by use of the methods of the present invention.
黄金大米,又名“金色大米”,是一种转基因大米,由美国先正达公司研发。其不同于正常大米的主要功能为帮助人体增加维生素A吸收。因为色泽发黄,该大米品种被称为“黄金大米”。质疑者认为黄金大米可能会严重威胁到环境和粮食安全,它也并不能解决造成维生素A缺乏症的根本原因——贫困和缺乏多样化的饮食。 不是说在中国实验么,闹得还有点大样的