请问如何理解“where only one or two of A1、A2 and A3 can be”
“ claim 1 :## is selected from A1+A2+A3 ,where A1 is selected from a、b、c,A2 is selected from a、b、c,A3 is selected from a、b、c,where only one or two of A1、A2 and A3 can be a\"。按此表述,请问最后一句话应翻译为“最多两个同时为a”还是“必须有1到2个为a”,即否包含##为b+b+b或c+c+c的情况了?
Re:请问如何理解“where only one or two of A1、A2 and A3 can be”
个人举得应该翻译为:当A1,A2,A3中的一个或者两个为a时,没有强调必须有1个到2个为a,也没有“最多两个同时为a”的意思,但从范围上看,就是A1,A2,A3中的一个或者两个为a呗Re:请问如何理解“where only one or two of A1、A2 and A3 can be”