你好,经确认,不能申请补发国际注册证。如下为国际局答复,敬请参考:Please note that the issue of a duplicate of the trademark certificate is not provided under the Madrid system. However, the holder may be provided with a copy of the registration notification, as it was sent to the designated Contracting Parties. The data are the same as on the registration certificate, only the form differs.马德里现行体系不提供补发商标注册证。但是,商标持有人可以提供注册通知复印件(同转给指定国的一样。)信息同注册证相同,只是格式有所区别。
Besides, the International Bureau of WIPO may issue to the holder applying therefor, upon the payment of a fee fixed by the Regulations (see at http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/fees/sched.html, Item 8), a certified extract from the International Register concerning a specific mark. The respective request may be sent in a free format to the following email: intreg.mail@wipo.int. It should indicate the number and date of the international registration and the type of information requested: a detailed certified extract, a simple certified extract, a single attestation or information in writing, reprint or photocopy of the publication on an international registration (please see the above mentioned schedule of fees).
青岛范迪特知识产权代理有限公司 - 商标马德里国际注册专家!