求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
本人在日本专利局网站上只找到题述专利的日文文本,想求助各位大侠,在哪里能找到他的对应英文翻译文本,在此先叩谢!Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
日本特许厅英文版就能下载到Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
该文档是可以从日本特许厅下载到,但是却没有他的英文翻译对照本,本人看不懂日文,所以需要英文翻译本作参考。还请各位大虾提供帮助,谢谢!Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
只找到摘要,不能下载,看看是不是你想要的(54) MANUFACTURE OF CHIP INDUCTOR
PURPOSE: To obtain a prism-shaped chip inductor easily by winding a ceramic green sheet into a column shape once and then putting it in a die to form it into a prism shape by molding.
CONSTITUTION: An end of a ceramic green sheet 1 is entwined on a winding core 5 of a small diameter and wound into a column shape by a method such as rotation of the winding core 5. As a result, a linear conductor 4 is wound spirally and a coil is formed. After wound into a column shape, the winding core 5 is pulled out. Next, the ceramic green sheet formed into a column shaped is put in a cavity of a bottom force 9 and is shaped into a prism by pressure of a top force 10. Then, the prism-shaped ceramic green sheet is put in a container and is calcined, after which external electrodes are applied to the both ends in a manner these are connected to lead electrodes 2 and 3
Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
ls摘的是JP 昭 60-88419A(发明)的英文摘要,而lz要的是JP 昭 60-88419U(实用新型) 的英文。查了一下,JP 昭60-88419U没有同族专利。
Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译
已经有人回答过了,日本特许厅英文版就能下载到 相应的英文版本,只不过是机器翻译的,凑合看看还可以。Re:求助 日本专利JP 昭 60-88419U 翻译