最早申请08/102440申请日是1993.9.21,就该申请提交了CIP 5631365,申请日是1994.6.9,就该CIP提交了PCT94/10099,提交日1994.9.14,就该PCT提交了CIP 5767115,提交日1996.3.18,就该CIP提交了CIP 5846966,就5767115提交了再版专利RE37721,提交日2000.6.15,现在问题是:5846966的到期日是1993.9.21,而RE37721到期日是2016.1025,为什么会这样,我的理解是RE37721的到期日应该页是1993.9.21/。请高手指点。Re:请帮忙分析下美国专利的到期日
http://www.patentcalculator.com/Default.aspxHope this helps.
US5846966 is listed in the Orange Book for ezetimibe (Zetia) and ezetimibe + simvastatin (Vytorin). It has been granted a six month pediatric extension for both Zetia and Vytorin and now expires March 21 2014.由上可知US5846966并不是你说的1993.09.21到期。【1993.09.21到期,从逻辑上也说不通啊,你是不是搞错了?!是不是2013.09.21??】
USRE37721 (orignally US5767115) is listed in the Orange Book for ezetimibe (Zetia) and ezetimibe + simvastatin (Vytorin). It has been granted a 497 day extension for ezetimibe, which was limited to 14 years from approval and so expires October 25, 2016. This extension presumably coves both Zetia and Vytorin as a six month pediatric extension has been granted for both, with USRE37721 now expiring April 25 2017 according to the Orange Book.
刚查了你说的两个案子,建议你仔细看一下两个案子, 5846966跟5767115, 这两个案子的分案情况并不相同, 一个是有涉及PCT的,一个是没有的.至于具体的时间就不算了, 计算的时候注意审查期限中的补偿时间,不过这个案子好象是没有的.
谢谢楼上。关于期限延长时间,我在美专局的法律状态中,没有发现有按钮“Patent Term Extension History”,很是纳闷啊。而且按理说美专局法律状态中应该有十个按钮,怎么我看到的只有7个,整整少了三个?
The situation might be due to the FDA delay. See 35 USC 156:http://www.orangebookblog.com/patent_term_extension/
Under § 156, the term of a patent that claims a drug product, a method of using a drug product, or a method of manufacturing a drug product may be extended by up to five years if the drug product was subject to FDA regulatory review prior to its commercial marketing or use.
The situation might be due to the FDA delay. See 35 USC 156:http://www.orangebookblog.com/patent_term_extension/
Under § 156, the term of a patent that claims a drug product, a method of using a drug product, or a method of manufacturing a drug product may be extended by up to five years if the drug product was subject to FDA regulatory review prior to its commercial marketing or use.