美国专利 Terminal disclaimer 是什么?
下面一段看不懂,请大虾指点!Terminal disclaimer.
(1) Any petition to revive pursuant to this section in a design application must be accompanied by a terminal disclaimer and fee as set forth in § 1.321 dedicating to the public a terminal part of the term of any patent granted thereon equivalent to the period of abandonment of the application. Any petition to revive pursuant to this section in either a utility or plant application filed before June 8, 1995, must be accompanied by a terminal disclaimer and fee as set forth in § 1.321 dedicating to the public a terminal part of the term of any patent granted thereon equivalent to the lesser of:
Re:美国专利 Terminal disclaimer 是什么?
就是放弃一定专利期限的声明。同一申请人前后两份申请内容近似,如果都授权会不当延长专利的保护期限,所以在后申请要放弃一部份时间而与在前申请同时过期。Re:美国专利 Terminal disclaimer 是什么?
馒头 wrote:下面一段看不懂,请大虾指点!
Terminal disclaimer.
(1) Any petition to revive pursuant to this section in a design application must be accompanied by a terminal disclaimer and fee as set forth in § 1.321 dedicating to the public a terminal part of the term of any patent granted thereon equivalent to the period of abandonment of the application. Any petition to revive pursuant to this section in either a utility or plant application filed before June 8, 1995, must be accompanied by a terminal disclaimer and fee as set forth in § 1.321 dedicating to the public a terminal part of the term of any patent granted thereon equivalent to the lesser of:
这个terminal disclaimer和两个并行专利的terminal disclaimer不是一回事。
这个好象是用在请求恢复已经放弃的申请案。假如该申请已经被宣布从L年1月1日起失效,而申请人要求从L年1+N月1+M日起恢复,即有N月M日的空隙。那这个申请人除了递交一个petition to revive以外,还要递交一个terminal disclaimer。在这个terminal disclaimer里申请人声明,如果该专利被授权,则申请人放弃专利年限中的最后那段相当于空隙的时间。这个规定对发明和植物专利只适用于June 8, 1995以前的申请,因为那以前专利的有效期是以授权以后17年来计算的,有了空隙就造成授权日推迟,有效期也就相应延长。后来的申请都是以申请日以后20年计算,所以不存在有人故意制造空隙,利用放弃-恢复来延长专利有效期的问题。对于外观设计专利,有效期是以授权日以后14年计算的,所以不管什么时候申请的,都要在申请恢复的同时交terminal disclaimer。
Re:美国专利 Terminal disclaimer 是什么?