请问关于joint inventiors的OA应该如何答复
this application currently names joint inventors. In considering patentability of the claims under 35 U.S.C.103(a ), the examiner presumes that the subject matter of the various claims was commonly owned at the time any inventions covered therein were made absent any evidence to the contrary.Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37 CFR 1.56 to point out the inventor and invention dates of each claim that was not commonly owned at the time a later invention was made in order for the examiner to consider the applicability of 35 U.S.C.103(c ) and potential 35 U.S.C.102 (e ), (f ) or (g ) prior art under 35 U.S.C.103(a ).请问该如何答复这条OA?
Re:请问关于joint inventiors的OA应该如何答复
每条claim都对应于各自的inventor,在一个案件中会存在claim之间inventor不完全一致的情况。103当然不会用自己是inventor的claim来引证,所以如果存在上述情况,要分别指出具体claim各自的inventor和invention date。Re:请问关于joint inventiors的OA应该如何答复
不用管它,直接答复其它就可以了Re:请问关于joint inventiors的OA应该如何答复
Normally, \"不用管它,直接答复其它就可以了.\"This form paragraph actually confuses many U.S. practitioners too.See their dicussions at